pouring tea in cups
Wellness | | S. Tasaki

How to Practice Mindfulness With Tea

The power of being mindful can boost your mental well-being. The practice of directing your attention and focus to the present moment is the key to consciousness. In fact, meditation isn’t the only way you can practice being mindful—consciousness can be found in performing any simple activity, such as taking a walk, doing yoga, or brewing a cup of tea.

Drinking tea can certainly become your moment to practice mindfulness. These activities help you slow down and lets you become fully aware of the process and act of what is happening right now.


girl drinking Japanese tea outside

What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness means being focused on all five senses of your body—taste, sight, touch, smell, and sound. Notably, tuning in to the present moment allows you to focus on the now, which creates a space in your mind to fully experience what is currently happening, rather than the thoughts in your mind of the past and future. In this moment, your thoughts cease to ponder about what has already happened and what should happen.

As a result, your active mind practices rest, giving you the chance to stop any worries and anxieties, relax, and feel your body and emotions at the present time.


brewed tea in a cup with teapot

Suggestions for a mindful experience with tea

Consciousness and mindfulness can be practiced in the simple experience of tea drinking. From brewing to drinking and enjoying the tea, we can be intentional and focused on each stage rather than perform the ritual out of unconscious habit. Below are suggestions for how you can immerse yourself in the mindful experience of drinking a cup of tea.

  • Take notice of the bubbling sounds of the water heating. Focus on the sounds, temperature, and your breathing.
  • As you take out your favorite tea, pause for a moment to appreciate its aroma. Ask yourself – what does it smell like?

Mindful Brewing:

  • Next, feel your presence in your environment: your lower body while you’re sitting or standing, and the weight of your back and legs.
  • For delicate tea, pour the boiled water into a separate vessel to cool. Take this time to clear your thoughts for 30 seconds and appreciate the water as it rests.
  • Pour your water slowly and observe as the colors change upon contact with the tea leaves. Notice the steam rising, and feel the weight of the cup as you hold it in your hands.

Engaging with the Tea:

  • Focus on sounds of your environment as your tea steeps.
  • When lifting your finished cup of tea, notice the way your fingers are holding the cup. How does the cup fits in your hand?
  • Finally, take a sip of your tea. Remember to practice mindfulness as you savor its taste. After your first sip, take a moment to breathe in the smell of the tea again.
  • As you drink your tea, stay present. Notice how the liquid feels, and it's warmth as it  settles in your stomach.
  • As you continue drinking the cup of tea, pause every few moments and be conscious of any feelings or thoughts. Are your thoughts being pulled into past experiences or worries about the future? If so, acknowledge it and be conscious of the mind wandering. This practice trains your ability to observe your consciousness.

Practicing meditation with tea

While these are tips, there is no right or wrong way to practice mindfulness or drink tea. The act of mindfulness is to open your mind and your spirit to the present, and sense what is happening at the moment and what thoughts are in your mind. Because of this, your mind trains to give itself space to find peace from worries and stress that come from critical and analytical thoughts.

If you are interested in mindfulness and meditation, you can learn more about them with mindfulness training.


🍵 Drinking our tea? Take a picture and tag us on Instagram at @senbirdtea or #senbirdtea. We’d love to see your moment with tea!

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